[NOTICE] Beware of KOZ ENTERTAINMENT Impersonation Scams and Other Frauds
As we continue to receive reports of phishing scams impersonating KOZ ENTERTAINMENT or its personnel from a number of people including industry insiders, we would like to provide an advisory.
[Common phishing methods using text message or DMs in social media apps]
- Impersonating KOZ ENTERTAINMENT or companies collaborating with KOZ ENTERTAINMENT
- Forging and delivering certificate of business registration, announcing the opening of a KOZ platform
- Offering cash rewards to drive more likes, reviews, or views of a content item
We do not make any of these offers or notices via text message, social media, personal email, or otherwise, nor do we make offers for individual event participation, financial demands or rewards.
We advise you to take note of the above details to prevent any fraudulent activity.
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